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60" rows and ear corn
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Mark in NEMO
Posted 12/3/2023 18:32 (#10508638 - in reply to #10508486)
Subject: RE: 60" rows and ear corn

Northeast Missouri
I didn't recognize it because my sunnhemp never got that far/late. I mowed off everything for baleage in late summer because many parts of the fields were awfully stunted/thin due to drought, then planted other covers this fall (triticale, annual clovers, and radish) ...which were also hurt by drought...didn't get off to a very good start!

Here's a pic of one of the better areas I was mowing. Yellow flowers are sunnhemp; purple is German millet. Cowpeas & buckwheat aren't that showy, but are there.

(20230817_172744 (full).jpg)

Attachments 20230817_172744 (full).jpg (183KB - 123 downloads)
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