CNY | I don’t think you’re crazy, I would suggest a couple different/similar ideas:
Plant 2 30” rows of corn, then leave 60” to seed your forage alternating. Make it more efficient to harvest (assuming you have 2 row picker) and still have the same benefits of the skip row.
Plant half the field 30” corn, then the other half to whatever grazing mix you want. Then graze it in strips, with half stalks and half the mix so the cows could eat both.
I also pick and grind ear corn for my steers, makes wonderful feed. I wait until the corn is good and dry because I either pile it on a concrete floor or leave it on wagons. Because I wait so long and I have a New Idea picker, I get a fair amount of butt shelling. I can accept this because:
It’s only a small percentage of my corn, usually less than 10 acres
No drying cost
Increased feed volume per acre with the cob | |