mn | Im the odd guy that built a deep pit barn. I think the cost was in the $800 per space at that time. Mine is roughly 10 years old. I can't give you any hard numbers to as wether I have better rate of gain or feed conversions or the likes as i have never split a group of cattle and fed half outside in the elements. Every group is different. Good cattle do really good in a slat barn , so so cattle do so so in a slat barn same as every one else's. Ive had some amazing rate of gains on some groups, not so impressive on others. The one thing that is a constant is feed consumption stays very steady in all weather including summer heat. We feed a fair amount of light weight cattle outside and in some older bed pack barns. I can tell you for our operation the extra amount of labor and equipment is expensive (just my opinion) for those spaces. Im certainly not going to tell you it will all pencil on paper when you want to build, enough to make the banker say it's a great idea, it's my experience that most things don't . I did not have a specific note at the bank for my building as it was rolled in with some other stuff at the time, but I can tell you the bank note is gone and Im not the least bit sorry i did it. The packer rarely comes to look at our cattle when they are fat, he knows that they are clean and will yield a tick above the same style cattle fed in any other style environment. It is a long term investment for the future, and future generations in my opinion.
Edited by H farmall 2/12/2024 16:29
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