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Sustainability and Your Operation
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Hay Farmer 15
Posted 10/31/2023 23:42 (#10464699 - in reply to #10464431)
Subject: RE: Sustainability and Your Operation

This^ when the chips are down if you can’t keep doing it over and over year after year it’s not sustainable.

However going more where I think the original poster was looking I think there’s definitely good options and things to think about. Something like on 5% of soil bacteria can be reproduced in the lab so we really are just now beginning to understand what our soils can do for us.

To the other poster about farming like our grandparents. Spending cautiously at or below your income and staying out of debt are big parts of my granddads operation but a never ending willingness to change and adapt was also critical. When he finally passed at 97 he had checked cows the week before and had started working towards rotational grazing over the few years prior.

He said there’s always something to learn if you look around and remain open to that change even if it scares you.

No matter what if we become unwilling to change the rules will change to force us to.
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