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Livestock auction rant?
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Posted 3/2/2024 21:19 (#10648917 - in reply to #10646680)
Subject: RE: Livestock auction rant?

My opinion for what’s it worth. Your reputation is on the line so why ruin it by selling a sub par product that will usually just slow the sale down. I like momentum and strings of calves moving in and out fast. Me personally I wouldn’t feel right sticking it to someone with a blind calf, a missed bull, a chronic bloater or a steer turned into a heifer. Last year I had a steer that needed a urethra rerouting out the back and kept him home, ran with heifers all summer and fed him until 2 weeks ago and is now rich protein in my freezer. I want any many buyers bidding as possible on sale day. Word gets around!
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