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Any experience with external HDD for DISH TV?
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Posted 1/24/2024 07:28 (#10590672 - in reply to #10589658)
Subject: RE: Thank you again

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
Thanks again, I was able to get that far. It seems that the replacement external drive needs to be "healthy" in the sense that it is readable before the DISH process begins. The new DISH receiver would not recognize the presence of other working HDD drives with external power supplies.

When I tried the SanDisk SSD, the system recognized its presence and started the procedure but then appeared to "hang" part way through. I unplugged it after a long period of no progress. I may have damaged it at that time. I should have left it unattended over night, possibly it may have eventually finished the format.

Now, that SSD is not automatically sensed by Windows when I put it back in a Win 10 computer.

Just yesterday, a friend tried working with it again and did get a Win computer to recognize its presence under the Device Manager on that computer. A screen seems to show the SSD capacity etc. but we weren't able to get the Win computer to format it for use with Win computers.

I still have hope for the resurrection of that SSD. Someone more knowledgeable than I is needed. I have heard of instances where the computer or DISH can not handle the current requirements of certain USB devices.

At one time externally powered hubs were available. This was plugged into the computer or DISH and had a plug to go to 110VAC and a power supply. The power for the device then came from the wall rather than from the computer or DISH. The data connection went between the computer or DISH and the device. In other words the powered hub went between the computer or DISH and the external drive. The actual power to run the disk came from a wall outlet but the data went through as usual.

A search did not reveal such an item.

Edited by tedbear 1/24/2024 07:32
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