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Sheep and winter/lambing/lactating feeding
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junk fun
Posted 11/21/2023 09:47 (#10490710 - in reply to #10489760)
Subject: RE: Sheep and winter/lambing/lactating feeding

I wouldn't worry too much about toxo, as far as I know it's like in humans, they've probably already had it and the danger comes if they get it the first time at a vulnerable stage of pregnancy. Old hay will be lacking in Vit A, maybe others, but otherwise fine. You're not grinding it, so the sheep will stay away from bad parts as long as you don't force them to pick it clean.

Any of the coops will have bagged shell corn or cracked corn, and soybean meal or DDG, depending on if you need protein or energy. Learn to feel their bones for body condition and it's not too hard to keep them in the right condition if you mostly know what you're doing, don't want them getting fat toward the end, milk fever danger etc.
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