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Sustainability and Your Operation
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paul the original
Posted 11/1/2023 11:11 (#10465161 - in reply to #10463944)
Subject: RE: Sustainability and Your Operation

southern MN
That word has become an instant ‘off’ button for me. It’s a favorite buzz word of people that don’t know what they are talking about but like to tell others how they should be.

A sustainable farm is one than creates enough long term income to cover the costs and a little extra. Maybe not every year but over a decade that needs to be the sustainable plan to work for.

A whole lot of folk have become sidetracked with some environmental thinking that is certainly important in our living, but most of the ideas are impractical or down right silly in the real world. Has nothing to do with a sustainable farm. We need to be mindful of leaving a small footprint and the world as good as we found it. But the stuff coming out these days with ‘sustainable’ attached to it seems more dangerous than the manure they worry about.

Sorry if I’m sidetracking your question, but it is my view of the broad question, without more specifics from you.


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