| We have a 9523 White bulk fill that's been reconfigured into 18 row 20".
Bulk is very very appealing. Honestly its just a convenience/ease of use, there's nothing special about how it puts the seed in the ground, but once you have a bulk fill, there's no way anyone would go back to boxes.
For corn its awesome to dump however many bags of seed you need for the field and all the rows run out at the same time. For beans its awesome to dump 2 pro boxes in the planter and go plant 80-100 acres on a fill.
IMO, the biggest problems with an 8523 box planter is that they are back heavy (especially when full of seed) and they're hard to work on with the rows less than 30" apart. Bulk fill alleviates a lot of both of those problems. It gets the seed weight in front of the tool bar instead of hanging 3 feet behind it and taking the boxes off the rows makes it much easier to stand behind the row units and reach forward to work on the rows.
Edited by Kooiker 5/27/2023 08:49