Western OK | Caught a break in cotton harvest due to weather, and finally got the calves out on wheat. Could've had them out here a few weeks ago, but was busy and had some fence work yet to do. Wheat pasture looks great this year, have Caught a few lucky rains to get it going. Didn't weigh the heifers, but the steers avg 700lbs, all home raised. I bought the low cost lrp insurance earlier in the year, 2.32 on the steers cost around $11 a head, I figured the price would stay flat and I was throwing our money away, but knew I'd be pissed if I passed up $1800 8wts. Insurance date in January 15th, might go ahead and keep them longer if price rebounds.
Leased a couple of places out to neighbors for pasture, .75 on the gain, if wheat gets any cheaper and the pasture looks good might take more on for graze out. What are they paying per lb gain around yall?
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