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What strip till unit am I looking for?
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Posted 11/20/2023 21:20 (#10490137 - in reply to #10490114)
Subject: RE: What strip till unit am I looking for?

lam - 11/20/2023 21:02

I hate to ask something dumb but do you have the units tilted back so the front plugs up? Seems like both instances it is the front that's causing all the problem.

Fair question! I believe they're running level. The residue flow through the front is indeed the issue. This is a lot of fluffy peat soil where I fight them. It isn't firm enough to slice residue against, and it is always moist, so the residue is rarely crunchy. The little gauge wheels on the Redball can sink in and bury themselves. The Dawn coulter just seems too small and then the pushed finger cleaners just can spin well enough and plug up.
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