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1 or 2 combines?
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Posted 11/21/2023 07:14 (#10490445 - in reply to #10489526)
Subject: RE: 1 or 2 combines?

Central ND
Weve done something similar the last 9 years except it's more so just been a 2nd machine as usually the time required to fix the main combine is less than getting the 2nd machine in the field. But just like you, back then the trade in value wasn't feasible. That machine has provided more value to us in the last 9yrs than if we traded it. We have a Class 8 and I believe a Class 6 machine.

With soybean yields usually around 40bu or less, my dad and I can run 2 machines for awhile before needing to empty trucks. Came in clutch this fall getting soybeans off before snow.

And the last couple years we've actually found somebody to run the 2nd machine full time in our spring wheat acres.

I remember another year we battled green wheat straw that cut harvest speed in half. So again we ran the 2 while we could until trucks needed to be empty.

Another fall we rented the 2nd machine to a neighbor when they lost a motor in theirs.

Our 2nd machine doesn't owe us even a dollar.

Edited by case 11/21/2023 07:18
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