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Organic soybeans has anybody tried to….
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Posted 5/25/2023 21:58 (#10243772 - in reply to #10243178)
Subject: RE: Organic soybeans has anybody tried to….

North Central Illinois
BobC - 5/25/2023 13:35

If you have any history of weed pressure you'll get murdered. Embrace the work - its only for a couple months. Do the fundamentals really well.

Yep. Any system that relies on a low weed seed bank in place of weed control won't last for long.

I just tore out 10-15% of a field with low weed pressure most places because I'd rather spend a few $ on replant seed than make more cocklebur.

I'm sure I could have drilled it, rotary hoed and combined it this year and made more net $ this year but organic is a long game.

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