We just finished a round of that with Lab pup.........turned out to be dog "scabies". After doing a lot of laughing about our dog having a "low economic" disease.......we got serious about getting rid of them. Cost me 200.00. Vet......who diagnosed the problem......gave the hound some shots, and then dipped him in some really foul smelling stuff each week for 3 weeks. Gone now............the scabies that is. Indications---------- lots of itching, little bumps like bug bites. Since the pup is with me 24/7---------yup, I had some "little bites" also, in my hair lines, probably due to the lab sitting on my shoulder in "my chair". Not harmful to humans, but I ASSUME those lumps were the result of his friends. Vet believes they came from less than 100% conditions at the "place of birth"..........and I would never have guessed it, since we are quite familiar with that operation. The point------ I would never have guessed scabies, vet did not catch it the first time but took additional tests..........but little itching now and the bumps are gone...........(and I have quite scratching my head with my toes!!) |