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Is there a way to change default year to 2023 for data entry in Excel?
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   Forums List -> Computer TalkMessage format
Posted 1/18/2024 16:54 (#10581146 - in reply to #10577846)
Subject: I think I figured it out!

I think I figured it out!Highlight or select the cells you want to apply this to. (Or, you can apply it to a single blank cell, apply it, and copy dragdown works also, to format.)Under the home page header, go to the number format selection. Drop down the entry bar, and click on the more number formats at the bottom.Next, click on custom.Next, type m/d/“23” in the “Type:” window.Click OK, and Walla! I wish I would have known this 20 years ago, it literally would have saved me a million keystrokes!

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Attachments 9CE01E71-2D77-4A46-B0CA-70A1CEF99802 (full).jpeg (186KB - 112 downloads)
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