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Your site is flawed and in position for a lawsuit.
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Posted 10/10/2017 05:42 (#6298688 - in reply to #6298358)
Subject: RE: Your site is flawed and in position for a lawsuit.

You have got to be kidding me! I don't care who's site it is, it is misleading. Tell me this Sir. You go to a site to purchase an item. All sites give you the option to place your order or CANCLE your order before it is placed. What would you do Sir if after reviewing your "cart" you decided to CANCLE, REMOVE, DELETE your order and then find out later that the site did in fact charge you for what you cancelled. I am positive that you Sir would be aggressively contacting the site and I am as positive the FCC would be all over the owner of the site to correct it. I believe by law an individual has proprietary rights to his or her information until they authorize its release. This site, AT TIMES, does exactly that. It submit "your" information without you realizing it until after the fact violating those rights. As I read the OP's comments, it appears that he is only warning the site owner of a flaw in its design. No where do I read where he, the OP, says he is suing. Maybe he could have presented it in a little more subdue tone, but I guess he is getting some attention. I truly think there have been bigger "donkeys" in this forum then he. Have a great day!
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