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When did milk cans disappear from your area?
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Posted 11/16/2023 22:30 (#10485069 - in reply to #10485052)
Subject: RE: When did milk cans disappear from your area?

Dad built the new barn in 69-70, basemen in 69 and hay mow floor first year and rafters and roof in 70, shipped cans at first and built milkhouse in I am thinking 71 and put in bulk tank and step saver, I remember my bus driver asking something about it as I was getting off the bus, probably about the bulk tank, I would have been in 1st grade. I finally put the pipeline in in 88. Last cows milked in that barn February 2004. Amish had cans around there at that time, not sure if there is some left yuet or not, most of them have went on to other endeavors, not enough money in it even for them at that scale.
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