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Stop-fyre / halon gas and its place on farms?
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Posted 5/26/2023 20:44 (#10245021 - in reply to #10244677)
Subject: RE: Stop-fyre / halon gas and its place on farms?

Look guys I'm not up to anything shady at all. I'm just seeing what others think of the stuff because personally I really do not believe that this company has a care in the world about farmers or their employees all they care about is the money. I started selling their products because I wanted to help people not pressure them into paying for something that cost AKE fractions compared to what they are charging people. Only thing I'm guilty of is putting trust into people to easily when I should've done more research about the company before leaving a good job. And as I keep asking others about their thoughts on stop-fyre I'm beginning to find out I should've trusted my gut instinc and stayed far away from this company. I will then start to inform as Many people as possible that they to should stay away from this company. is that level enough for you?
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