Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn. | I don't think a phone app arrangement for the tile reel would be the best as you would want it available instantly. One post shows a link to a self contained unit that would work but I believe it to be overkill for your situation since your hard wired remote likely has relays involved that actually run the reel already. Then you need a wireless remote to tie into the relays rather than duplicating the relays with another device. Using diodes in the output line would not be workable since the polarity of the outputs gets reversed in normal use. Possibly back feeding this would not be an issue as long as only one control or the other is being touched.
I'm not certain what would happen if the hard wired remote UNWIND button was being pushed and then someone pushed the WIND button on the other remote. I believe a circuit breaker is a must no matter what.