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The Amazon special
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Posted 5/24/2023 07:35 (#10241454 - in reply to #10239614)
Subject: RE: The Amazon special

Glenwood, Mn

torriem - 5/22/2023 09:32 I realize there's a lot of distaste on the forum for FJ Dynamics as a company (how they advertise and occasionally spam here), but I think I'd rather buy one of their units than the one on Amazon from China. At least other forum members have had good experiences with FJ Dynamics and I suspect you'll get at least some support. The unit on Amazon? No support at all really. Might get the odd firmware update. That said, I suspect the smajayu works fine for simple things. Hopefully in the next couple of years we'll see turn-key AgOpenGPS units.

I did a little research.... runs on android... that's ok.  "remote debugging" interface with built in 4g modem.  That screams red flag for me. 

They really all work on the same principle but the Chinese can build them cheaper because the engineering costs are not involved.

I worked at a medical factory a few years back.  About 2007 the company tried to get sales in China.  Government said, "Sure, but you need to bring final assembly here."  We invested about 500 million into an assembly plant.  Through a series of engineering security breaches they were able to compromise our data server state side for process and engineering documents for the WHOLE line of products.  We didn't give them the keys to the back door but we definitely told them which doors held the goods.  In 18 months the key engineers knew how to fabricate the devices, our suppliers, our suppliers suppliers.  Guess what happened?  Black market product started showing up. They were surprisingly good clones but if you give a cook a recipe it isn't hard to follow.  Anyone surprised by this?  I sure was not.

Point being is you can buy them and they are great value but the reason they are less expensive is because the majority of the engineering has been done by someone else.

Just my 2 cents.

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