Smoke, The choice of corn head rolls maybe one of the unsung major decisions in corn farming! To me the choice really depends on a couple factors. For one, what and when is the next operation (after the combine goes through) in that field. If you have a shank type tillage tool in the field right behind the combine then you need rolls which will leave short pieces not long pieces and most of it detached from the root ball. This is what some of the more aggressive knife type rolls leave you.
If on the other hand your next field operation is spring no till drilling beans into those stalks then in my opinion you want some stalk rolls that get the ear off of the stalk yet leave much of the plant standing and attached to the soil so your residue isn't all blown to the fenceline by spring nor in a thick chopped insulating mat on the ground. When no tilling next spring, residue attached to the plant and in the air is a lot easier to deal with and leaves the soil fitter faster. This is what you get with standard JD cast rolls. There are some aftermarket rolls which look for a compromise - they leave the stalk pretty much in one piece and attached to the ground so it doesn't blow or wash but do crimp the stalks for more breakdown by spring.... Any of them can be run at a variety of heights too for another variable.... I would suggest you choose rolls based on what is the nextoperation in that field and when. Good luck. Jim at Dawn