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Drone Insurance
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paul the original
Posted 12/19/2015 14:47 (#4972158 - in reply to #4972126)
Subject: RE: Drone Insurance

southern MN
Im just asking in general, not for me specifically.

So people are sure they are getting what they are wanting to get.

Insurance is one of those things, a 2 or 3 letter word in the question can completely change the meaning. :)

So many of the questions on drones and ag are in the grey zone, personal use or commercial application, I think we need to be careful of what we are doing and thinking.

I believe it is very difficult to get a commectial licence to actually use a drone for commercial use at this point in time? So if you are flying a drone commercially, thrn do you have all the right paperwork? Or again, the insurance co will say, after you turn in a claim, well you were not properly licences, so you are denied the claim........

Yes, I am being difficult here, but way way too much grey area is being covered over on all this?

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