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Be careful on the roads with equipment
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   Forums List -> Machinery TalkMessage format
Posted 8/11/2006 13:48 (#34715 - in reply to #34654)
Subject: RE: Be careful on the roads with equipment

I worked for a farmer as a part-time job when I was in college, did a lot of custom hauling for his operation. Running an JD 8420(every option available) with a Houle 7300 (gal) manure tank, I always used lights and flashers on the road because in that area hog farmers are not very well liked, something about they smell, so I figured no reason so give them something else to complain about. As I was heading back to the building site I had to make a left turn off the highway to get to it and with two cars coming up behind me I flipped my turn signal on early. The first car got around me before I got to the corner, but I thought he was cutting it kinda close. Just as I was about to pull off the road the second car went sliding sideways in front of me across the driveway and through the ditch, some how able to get it back on the road and kept going. I wouldn't have felt bad for them if they flipped it, still surpised they didn't, but as they slid by I saw a little girl in the back seat and it made my heart drop. I don't know if the lunatic ever did slow down, but am glad the little girl and wife weren't hurt.
The dumb guy was probably sleeping in the doghouse that night.
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