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Grain Carts
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Posted 8/10/2006 21:45 (#34520 - in reply to #34479)
Subject: RE: Grain Carts

Lapel, In
Hi Mark,I bought a 550 bushel Kilbros from Joe Swindel about 3 or 4 years ago.It was a carry over he had that he was using on his farm.I pull it with a dualed 4430 Powershift. Don't think I could have done as better as Joe cut me a very good deal and the tractor and cart are a very good match.The Powershift is very nice for that application.Put a roll tarp on it last year and a closed circuit TV on it the year before.The outfit sure has made harvest a lot easier. Wife will have the cart full and sometimes the combine full, so all I have to do is catch a couple more dumps and the semi is ready to go to the bin.
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