Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn. | I have no experience with either the Deere system or the Mid-Tech system. I do however have Ag Leader's Insight running with their Direct Command liquid module to control my pull type sprayer. I use the AutoSwath optional feature for Boom valve control.
On the Ag Leader system the relative distances from the application point to the the GPS are entered in the vehicle and implement configurations.
For example, with all my vehicles (tractors etc.), the distance between the GPS and the tractor axle is one parameter, the distance between the axle to the hitch point is another and also the distance between the axle and three-point yet another. These values are entered once and remain associated with that vehicle.
When I define the sprayer, a question is asked about the distance from the hitch point to the boom. This value is also entered only once and remains assoicated with that implement. Likewise for the other implements (NH3 bar, planter etc.) a distance is entered and remains assoicated with that implement.
When you "build" the configuration for the equipment which is being used together, the appropriate distances are used to compute the total distance from the GPS to the application point. In the case of some self-propelled sprayers with front mounted booms this distance may actually be forward of the GPS.
In the setup for the AutoSwath control, there is a turn-on and a turn-off time feature. Apparently the GPS distance, your ground speed and the turn-off and turn-on times are all used to determine when a boom section is cycled ON/OFF.
Ag Leader also uses the concept (at least at present) that a section should be ON whenever any portion of that section has not been applied. For example, when working with point rows the boom section will stay ON until the entire portion of that section has been covered. This of course, results in some doubling over in that section. Raven allows the operator to select what percentage of the boom should be used to determine the desired status of that section. I believe you can pick from 0 - 100%. In my situations, I would always want the section to be completely covered so the Ag Leader concept is fine.
Possibly the reason that I've been happy with my AutoSwath "timing" is ground speed. I use the Autoswath feature with an NH3 bar and also the pull type sprayer. With the sprayer my speed towards the ends is relatively slow (7 MPH or less). With the NH3 bar it is even slower. Any errors in the timing of the boom ON/OFF will be magnified with greater ground speed.
I have just left my AutoSwath timing at the default values suggested by Ag Leader.
Another factor with my sucess may be the physical layout of the equipment. In both cases the implements are pull-type with the application point being behind the GPS. I can envision some complicating issues with front mounted booms on self-propelled sprayers. The fact that the outer end of the boom tends to actually "back up" during tight turns might add to the confusion.
I consider my AutoSwath to be somewhat akin to my Autopilot - neither is 100% perfect but both are better than what I have been accomplishing manually.
Edited by tedbear 5/24/2006 07:05