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7088 Yield Monitor Calibration in Corn
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Posted 11/16/2023 07:53 (#10484040)
Subject: 7088 Yield Monitor Calibration in Corn


I've struggled with the yield monitor calibration in corn with the 7088 every year since buying the machine.  I'm familiar with the calibration process and had great success with the 2388 in corn that I had prior to this.  After applying the calibration, the error on the low throughput loads is always high, small error on medium throughput loads, and large negative error on high throughput loads.  Attached is this years results.  This is the same trend as the previous three years.  In prior years I tried adding in additional calibration loads to correct but never got it to read all low % errors.  Am I not calibrating a large enough range of throughputs?  I see the C11 goes all the way up to 5200.  Combine can run out of power or start backing up corn in the system over 3000 bu/hr (depending on a moisture, etc) so I try to stay at throughputs below that.  Standard deviation of the throughputs in each load ranged from 277-334 bu/hr.  10,000 lb loads used.  No waterways or turning around, just one continuous pass. Acres are coming out correct.  Moisture is calibrated (about 19% moisture corn during this year's calibration).  Clean grain elevator conveyor chain tension was checked right before calibrating.  Chain has all paddles.  Impact plate appears to be in good condition.  Elevator head steel is in good condition.  Post calibration C values shown below.  Any other suggestions?

Edited by Crossflow 11/16/2023 07:54

(Monitor Error (full).jpg)

Attachments Monitor Error (full).jpg (31KB - 99 downloads)
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