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QuickBooks 99 and newer computer
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Posted 10/23/2023 07:56 (#10452463 - in reply to #10445445)
Subject: RE: QuickBooks 99 and newer computer

Floyd County, Iowa
I had QB95(?) for years, running on WinXP and earlier. When we upgraded to Win7, it wouldn't work. Our CPA is a QB advisor. He had some older versions of QB. So he basically "leapfrogged" our data from that to QB2015 for us. Took our backup data and restored it to a newer version of QB. Then he backed that up and restored to a yet newer version. He was able to jump a few QB versions between, but QB wouldn't jump from the original to the 2015.
We never had the online version of QB, and never will, so we're at the end of the line, since Intuit no longer has a version that you can buy. They only offer online subscription.
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