Hennepin, IL | Your control valve either isn't responding or it's wide open. It's been a few days since I've had one apart (I've tried real hard to forget that time of my life). Check to see if you can manually turn it one or both ways. If you can turn it both, it's not responding and you'll have to check voltage to verify whether you're not getting voltage to it or the actuator went bad. If you can only turn it one way, it's likely wide open and you have another issue. At that point there's only 2 places flow from the pump can go, on the ground or back to the tank, you just have to figure out how it's getting back to the tank. I've had a bad relief valve before. Worst part was it would open at say 50 psi, so it would do it spraying but not sitting still. Took awhile to figure that out. Good luck, this thread reminded me how much I don't miss that thing.
Edit: by wide open, I mean closed. Your control valve regulates flow back to the tank. Closed would be sending all "available" flow to the boom, backwards of how most systems work.
Edited by AVP_Matt 5/24/2023 21:39
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