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DAP Vs MES 10 —out of DAP at terminal
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Dan Loehr
Posted 5/24/2023 11:57 (#10241759 - in reply to #10241533)
Subject: RE: DAP Vs MES 10 —out of DAP at terminal

Holland, Indiana (SW IN)
Redshale1 - 5/24/2023 08:27

Dan. I thought you were going to be all corn this year. Maybe I am mixed up, years go by faster now.

Had everything planned for all corn
THEN Bernie (best guy in the world) got killed in a car accident— we switched to all soybeans to make it easier with out him — he side dressed N and did most everything

Have to brag on our suppliers we had most everything for corn bought and paid for GOD bless them they made it work


Hope all is going good in PA

Edited by Dan Loehr 5/24/2023 12:04
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