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DAP Vs MES 10 —out of DAP at terminal
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Walton Farms
Posted 5/23/2023 20:31 (#10240910 - in reply to #10240315)
Subject: RE: DAP Vs MES 10 —out of DAP at terminal

SW Indiana

Our trucks pulling several loads a day off the river, had trucks loading potash in Owensboro today said there were trucks loading potash to go to Alabama...seems really backwards to me barge it up the river then truck it back down.

I've got a customer in Bowling Green KY we truck fertilizer to, he had a couple loads of DAP that he told me not to bring that he didn't need them. He was trying to sell them to someone so he didn't have to take them, have no idea if product is at the terminal. Was supposed to haul them out of ADM Owensboro, give me a call if you'd like the guys phone number.


Edited by Walton Farms 5/23/2023 20:32
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