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Panotiller, More info on Dairy protien
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Posted 10/17/2007 08:37 (#221130)
Subject: Panotiller, More info on Dairy protien

Hutchinson, MN
I can only give you basic knowledge about this, I rely on my nutritionist to understand it. A dairy cow needs two kinds of protien, rumen degradable, and rumen bypass. Alfalfa is all rumen degradable, an excess of it makes the spray paint poo. No matter how good of hay you produce if the dairymans ration is 2/3 haylage, he has too much of the wrong kinda protien. In that situation he has to buy the bypass protien to make his ration work. Your dairyman is looking in the wrong place for fault. I prefer 120 RFV hay, palatability is more important to me, the cow is a ruminant the haylage your dairy has been putting up is a concentrate. I'll bet they suffer high rates of acidocius, lameness, DA's, etc.. I can get 22,000 lbs. of milk out of a cow with 120rfv hay, but her dry matter intake needs to be over 55 lbs a day, and that takes palatability. I know of no way to measure that, it's a seat-of-the-pants thing a "dairyman" has.
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