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Posted 10/13/2007 23:31 (#218996 - in reply to #217836)
Subject: How it is set up!

Lewisburg, PA
I sub lease some of the ground from the dairy around 500 acres, my operation is 2 miles from the operation and bring another 700 acres with in 5 miles of the dairy. The just want to me to grow the forages and they mow and chop it. But I fertilize spray and spread all of the manure from the operation . BAck when we started this I didn't know a lot about forage quality so Il;earned from them but the way I let them price price I'm losing out big TIME. I'm ashamed to tell you what we have it priced at. So i'm not going to look for another market and just need to be informed from some good people like yourselves and know what i'm talking about. The old feed man asled them same question ? Who told him that they had poor forage's?? They told me when we started that I could average around 12-15 tons! The last 7 yr averge isaround 8 ton. They left the last feed company because they they dis agreed on some thing so he just moved to the big cargill.
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