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Protien vs RFV
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Tim in WI
Posted 10/12/2007 09:16 (#218246 - in reply to #218119)
Subject: Quality versus quantity

Embarrass WI

I just noticed on your first post that you are selling by quantity(tons?) and not quality. In our area, quality is always part of the equation-and it needs to be, since the more hay you have/acre the lower the quality is likely to be. If I was buying on strictly tons, I would like it to be as rich as possible, too.

I don't want to rush to judgement, but I think your customer is trying to "work" you. Those numbers quoted are nothing to be ashamed of. As I said before, as a dairyman, I would have to use feed like that as a supplement to balance out other forage. Is the guy on a high corn silage ration? If he is feeding 80% corn silage, that haylage should work just fine, probably then higher Protein would be even better. But then you get into rumen-degradable versus rumen-bypass protein balancing, and other issues which don't affect the hay grower.

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