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Protien vs RFV
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Posted 10/12/2007 01:58 (#218139 - in reply to #218119)
Subject: RE: Protien vs RFV


OK -- one more question on your forage tests. Are those numbers on a 100% dry matter basis, a 10% moisture basis (ie, 90% dry matter), or "as received" with whatever moisture is in the haylage?

If those numbers are on a 10% moisture or "as received" -- that's some mighty hot forage, and complaints from your customer are just without basis, IMO. If you fed that feed to just about any non-fresh cow, she's going to bloat like a beach ball.

I will ask John what he would think (as a dairyman) of your numbers. I know that if I were selling hay with those numbers into California dairies, I would have people competing to buy those forage numbers as hay.

This year, if I had hay with those numbers here, I'd be getting at least $170/ton. If I had those numbers in a product in large bales, and I kept it until this coming January, I could probably name a price over $200/ton for that forage.



Edited by NVDave 10/12/2007 02:01
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