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Protien vs RFV
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Posted 10/12/2007 00:27 (#218119 - in reply to #217851)
Subject: RE: Protien vs RFV

Lewisburg, PA
Why I'm digging into this is to learn and not be just a dumb crop farmer. I want to know what I'm talking about just to be dangerous. This all started last year when the dairy said the feed isn,t good enough. So I thought I;ve done some thing wrong never asking to see last years samples untill a week ago and as I look at them In first cutting alone CP23.1 ADF 21.59 NDF32, RFV 210 / CP 21.6 ADF 23.5 NDF34.8 RFV188 / CP 23.9 ADF 20.08 NDF 30.16 RFV 227 2nd cutting CP 22 ADF 23.4 NDF 35 RFV 188. By what I gather from you guy's this is some darn good hay .This all haylage. Any of you have a formula for pricing haylage? Thanks for the imput. Luke
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