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Protien vs RFV
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Tim in WI
Posted 10/11/2007 19:31 (#217938 - in reply to #217851)
Subject: RE: Protien vs RFV

Embarrass WI

I think your friend John was/is probably a pretty successful dairyman. Feed tests are nice, but the only thing that matters is what the cows think of the feed. If the ADF is too low, the cows will be "spray painting" and trouble is not far behind. IMO, a cowpie is "right" when it puddles but doesn't splatter. New nutrition consultant checked our poo yesterday by dumping a cupful of it in a screen-bottom dish and rinsing it with water until everything that would rinse out was gone, in order to evaluate fiber digestion.

FWIW, I am perfectly happy with hay with an RFV of 140-160. Mine is still usually 19-20% Protein, ADF is about 30. Cows eat it good, and do well......BUT....I am not out to set production records. I am after long-lived cows and long term profitability.

Actually, my cows like the hay better when it has some grass in. Makes sense, when you think about it, since cows evolved on grass and not alfalfa. Alfalfa for cows is man's idea.

Edit- Panotillers 200+ RFV hay isn't hardly "forage" anymore. Doesn't have enough fiber-it really should be classed as a "protein supplement".

Edited by Tim in WI 10/11/2007 19:34
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