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corn stalk bales?
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Posted 10/10/2007 21:09 (#217458 - in reply to #214022)
Subject: RE: corn stalk bales?

I have seen the idea, there are alot of molasses-urea based products out there. Personally I don't care for urea and they are expensive for what you get. I have seen some research using condensed distillers solubles. Basically they take this corn syrup product and dump it on top of the bales as a supplement. The condensed distillers solubles is not as nutrient dense as molasses-urea based products, but ethanol plants will almost give it to you because it cost so much to dry syrup. I have not personally dried it, but have thought about it. I do know a guy that just puts out a tub of syrup and lets his ewes drink what they want.
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