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corn stalk bales?
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Posted 10/6/2007 14:17 (#215331 - in reply to #214022)
Subject: RE: corn stalk bales?

Ste. Rose, MB
We've put molasses into barley & oats bales back about 5-6 years ago when we were short on hay. Don't remember the cost, wasn't too bad at the time. Put the bales on end, all touching each other, the guys would show up with a tank full of molasses, jump on the bale with a hose & pour some on, jump to next bale & conitnue process, truck would follow along. We were skeptical at first that the molasses would go through the bale so we picked one up with the loader & left it 2ft above the ground for a few hours... yep the proof was there, it went through. Cows ate the bales relitavely well, they were still being fed limited chopped hay & rolled oats & barley mix.

I guess the best way to incorporate straw in a ration is with a vertical mixer but don't have that luxury yet.
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