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corn stalk bales?
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Posted 10/4/2007 10:27 (#214256 - in reply to #214022)
Subject: Re: corn stalk bales?

Keep it simple, and cheap. Free choice the stalk bales and buy an old forage wagon for cheap, take off the top and fill the forage wagon with wet ddg and use it to drop the ddg in a line out on pasture or in bunks. If you don't have many cows, just take a loader full in and dump it in the bunks straight from the tractor. Some guys are even using the 20 foot feed wagons like H&S and Arrow wagons and dumping a couple loader scoops of gluten or distillers in the bottom and putting 3 straw or stalk rolls on top and pulling them out to the cows, this works really well when the cows are a few miles down the road, as the wagons road really well behind trucks. There is a company that makes a spike with holes in it and a pump that will pump liquid into the bales, but is probably priced at the level of a good 20-24' feed wagon and would be really slow as each bale would have to be handled and treated individually. If an ethanol plant is close by I really don't know that you can feed any other protein cheaper. Everyone wants to go out and buy mixer wagons and vertical mixers to feed this stuff, but if you are feeding stock cows I'm not sure it is really cost effective. One guy here has a couple hundred cows and just buys a trailer load every week and dumps it out in the pasture in piles and the cows clean it up.
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