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Chickens..... again!
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Posted 10/6/2007 12:08 (#215296 - in reply to #213132)
Subject: RE: Chickens..... again!

Come a runnin,,have I got DEAL FOR YOU. A chicken picker, a synger(wand that works off of a propane bottle), and even a gas stove to heat the water in to scald them. You can clean 80 a day that way, btdt!!(2 people). Darn, just threw away our synging rack,,,easy to make out of old water pipe tho!!(and wire hooks to hold a foot. If your into chickens,clean them yourselves,,,better than ANY custom cleaner!! Even still have the oval tubs for a bargain price!! Better hurry and get this set up, you will be mostly all set and it wont break the bank!! MIGHT still have the funnels for deheading them!!

I raised 1000 of them for an FFA project back in high school in the 60's. BEST brooder in the world for little chicks is a polydome calf hut iparked in a shed with a heat lamp brooder for heat,can keep absolutely comfy for them inside, then let them out as they grow bigger. Threw a blanket over it as insulation on COLD nights!!

IF memory serves me,,,the Vitamin K has to be kept up or they die of anerurisms(sp). Fortify their vitamins and take the feed away as you mention and all will be well. Keep the critters out of them too,,,they got quite a few of mine back then.

Yep,I miss that taste already!! Juicy is an understated term!!
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