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Chickens..... again!
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Posted 10/2/2007 22:46 (#213497 - in reply to #213200)
Subject: Re: Chickens..... again!

We charged an estimate on the first batch of $1.50/lb. That was too low. After we figured all the feed costs, etc, we had $1.79/lb into them. This batch we're charging $2.10/lb and no one batted an eye when they ordered. I may drop that a bit if I start mixing my own feed, but for now, that's the price. Bought a few layers too, selling all the eggs the old girls will lay at $1.50/doz. May raise more next year to supply the demand for fresh eggs.

I took the first batch of broilers to a nearby processor to dress for us, and the lady that runs the place laughed when I made the appointment for this batch. She said that is how she started, with 30 in the first batch, then with re-orders the second batch was 300! Eventually, they raised around 1300-1500/yr. I'm not sure I want that kind of committment, but it sure is nice to see our customers appreciate the good fresh chicken. She said, get the word out that you're raising broilers, and you can raise up to 1000/yr easy.

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