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Chickens..... again!
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Posted 10/2/2007 16:37 (#213300 - in reply to #213132)
Subject: Re: Chickens..... again!

West Texas
our kids did the broiler raising for the Houston livestock show. Never placed with them but learned a lot and had fun doing it and the best part of it all fresh chicken!!!
If you only went thru 300 lbs of feed you didn't feed them
Often went thru 600 lbs in 6 weeks for 50 broilers for the show. Would walk out there and stir them up every 2 hrs or so. Stir them up and they go eat. We never had any at 7 lbs but I did see some 7pounders from people south of us. Our climate is too harsh to get them to 7 lbs in 6 weeks.
Yes, some die from hart attacks or something like that, it's part of it I guess. They become stressed very easy.
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