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Erosion control in new waterway
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Posted 11/2/2011 15:31 (#2030437)
Subject: Erosion control in new waterway

Western EC Iowa
What is the best way to control erosion over the winter/spring in a newly shaped waterway? I have done the fabric check strips in the past, not sure if I like them or not. At times they will make a waterfall, then there is no real way to heal them back up again. I have a barn full of small squares of straw, have seen them put in before, but don't really want them to dam it up and run around. Any tricks or tips? About 60 feet wide, drains probably 150 acres or so and has quite a bit of slope, probably 1.5-2% or so. I plan to put on some cereal rye, maybe run a cultipacker over it to push them in a little bit. I have seen that stuff green up in a January thaw. Thanks, Ben
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