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Raven Sidekick problem
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Posted 5/13/2006 10:34 (#11906 - in reply to #11768)
Subject: RE: Raven Sidekick problem

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
Could be a problem with the pump or the motor itself. Another thought is low power due to a weak connection.

If you unplug the Tach Feedback (the weather pak connector with the small red and black wire), the Pump should run full speed. This will give you an indication if the motor/pump is in good enough condition to run full speed.

The Tach Feedback circuit behaves much like a govenor on an engine. Full fuel (electricity) is given until the motor picks up speed. The Tach feedback is actually a small generator that produces a voltage to indicate the speed of the motor. As the speed picks up, the generator produces a higher voltage which the control circuitry observes and changes the Pulse Width to accordingly.

The large Red and White wire power the motor. The large Red should show 12 volts to chassis ground. The large white wire is the Pulse Width controlled ground for the motor. If the white wire is at ground potential, the motor should run full speed. The system switches this ground on and off rapidly at different rates to achieve the desired speed for the motor.

So running the motor directly from a battery without the SideKick being hooked up would also be another way to test to see if the motor can run full speed.

Also try turning the pump over by hand to check for pump problems. Another possibility is corrosion on the brushes of the motor during the off season.
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