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s780 augers
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Posted 2/4/2025 21:25 (#11089547)
Subject: s780 augers

NE North Dakota
We replaced the vertical and 3 horizontal unload augers. Also replaced the 90 degree gearbox gears and bearings above the vertical. When I turn the drive pulley by hand i notice it turns very easy for 1/2-2/3 of a turn and the remaining 1/3-1/2 is tougher. Still able to rotate by hand but it was harder.

The 90 degree gear box was replaced because splines were nearly shot, also the lower spline drive showed some wear but didnt seem worthy of replacement. The old vertical was quite a bear to get off the lower splines. We also replaced the poly ball wear pieces on the unload auger pivot.

All augers were replaced with Deere brand.

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