 NE WI | Seems low hours for a 50+ year old tractor. Got pics of the clutch and brake petals? Tach works?
Cab or open station?
How’s the shifting? Levers all sloppy?
Dual power shift from H to L and vice versa without hesitation?
Does the PTO spin with the lever off?
Does the PTO spin under load? They can strip the live power shaft drive splines at the flywheel drive hub or in the transmission. Requires dual split to fix.
Hydraulic remotes lift heavy equipment at idle?
Do the brake petals go all the way to the floor? They used the correct Ford brake oil and not DOT brake fluid?
They changed the oil in the injector pump sump at every oil change?
Changed and checked the PTO gear case oil? That’s a separate sump from the hydraulic.
Added coolant conditioner to prevent cavitation? 401s have a tendency to cavitate at the cylinder walls or at the bottom of the water jacket.
I think some of the power steering parts are NLA on the 9000/9600. Make sure nothing leaks at the power steering.
That being said we had a 9000 (hours unknown clutch petal smooth and 3400 on tach. Possibly 13000+ hours). Currently have a 8700 (12000 hours), 9700 (8900 hours), and TW30 (6000 hours).
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