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Ford 9600-thoughts on purchase?
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Posted 2/4/2025 19:07 (#11089348)
Subject: Ford 9600-thoughts on purchase?

I am needing a 150hp tractor to just do some odd and end stuff around my property like dirt pan work occasionally, disking, chill plow, etc... I need cheap, reliable horsepower. I am looking at a Ford 9600. Little over 5000 hours. Starts, runs, and drives good, owners have been using it right up until recently. I have a good local mechanic who says he can work on it and get parts if needed, so I'm not too worried about the service end. Plus I doubt I'll be logging more than 30-40 hours of work time with it in a year.

What are your thoughts on this model? What would you consider to be a fair price?
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