| I don't know if it worth it from a safety standpoint.
However you can buy a machined hydraulic fitting anywhere and drill it out so it just slides over the line. Clamp the lower part of the fitting in a vice etc. with the line going up. Heat the fitting just red being careful the hydraulic line does not get too red hot. The main thing is to get the heavy fitting hot so it sucks in the brass. Apply a brazing rod around the seam and with practice it will make a factory looking weld that will never leak and will last longer than a flare fitting and is much stronger. You may need a reducing bushing to get the fitting ID down to the line OD. I would practice welding some junk first. It is not that hard to do. I have done this many times in problem areas and they last much longer than factory.
I am always nervous when doing this type of repair for steering or brakes for anyone else. If it fails you are liable. | |