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Old def
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Posted 2/4/2025 12:57 (#11088933 - in reply to #11088798)
Subject: RE: Old def

Jeffersonville, OH
johndeereplanterman - 2/4/2025 12:41

I'm finally getting down towards the last of a 330 gallon tote of def. Guessing about 50 gallon left. My question is that this def is at least 3 years old, its always been in a heated shed and never in the sun. I've had no issues running this in several pieces of equipment. Cut my losses and dump it or take a chance with the rest ?

As long as you haven't had it in the sun, run it. I've had customers run some very old stuff and never seen an issue.

Worst case though, if the machine it's in has a quality sensor, it goes out of range and you have to drain and refill...
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