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560m or 561m vs 560 premium or 561r
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Posted 2/4/2025 10:43 (#11088704 - in reply to #11088575)
Subject: RE: 560m or 561m vs 560 premium or 561r

Southern Alberta
Keep in mind I went from a 2002 567 with 27,000 bales and skipped right up to this one, Biggest thing for me is the fact that it feeds so much better and faster (567 I always had to go slow till the bale was started and be careful in big swaths), as well as the big floatation tires increase the ride substantially.

Few of the other things would be the chains and driveline are really beefed up over the 567, and a bunch of handy features like grease banks, onboard moisture, hour meter, net wrap indicator so i know how many bales are left on a roll etc.

With the 567 34-35 bales and hour was the absolute best it could do, this one I've done well over 50 in perfect conditions
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